ECOBoard Europe B.V. is committed to a role of...

Environmental, sustainable and socially responsible leadership in all facets of our business. Changing the world one board at a time.

Our Vision

We will conduct our business with the highest ethical standards, strive for excellence in all we do, and measure success by the relationships we build in the communities where we live and work.

Defining what makes construction products green, differ widely. ECOBoard Europe B.V. however believes in a common-sense approach to a sustainable future for humans & nature. For some, the best choice may be products that encourage saving energy and resources, or encourage the use of reliable products that are guaranteed to last, while others may even opt to use products made up of recycled content or sustainable resources.

Well we at ECOBOARD Europe believe it is not enough to establish values and set goals, related to our commitment to being an environmentally sustainable business. All these values here are shared and acted upon, at every level of the company.

Our Mission

ECOBOARD Europe believes that a healthy environment is not only complementary, but also critical to a healthy business. Our mission is to develop high-performance, high-value products in order to satisfy our customers’ total needs.


We will conduct our business with the highest ethical standards, strive for excellence in all we do, and measure success by the relationships we build in the communities where we live and work.

Our Goals

It is our goal to be the industrial leader in environmentally responsible practices and products, while still being able to conduct our business in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, demonstrates environmental stewardship and provides our customers with environmentally beneficial products. Towards that end, we will pursue processes that are designed to minimize waste, maximize efficient utilization of materials and conserve resources, in order to provide our customers products that are long-lasting with an excellent performance.Creating a Blue Biobased Economy by combining Environment saving innovations and having a large impact on our Carbon Footprint by storing CO2 in Healthy Biobased Buildings & Furniture

To be a successful, unique, progressive, and world-class company that lives up to our mission statement, we must minimize our impact on environmental resources and consistently “walk softly on the land”.

ECOBOARD International is committed to environmentally responsible practices and contributes to the sustainability and health of the communities where we operate, not just because others expect it, but because ‘It is the right thing to do‘.

From the very beginning it has been a goal to conserve valuable resources in all aspects of our production. Our manufacturing process utilizes recycled waste materials, while located close to markets to minimize fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In all our operations around the world, we strive to maintain and continually improve our environmental performance.Building 100 % Biobased Cities in Thirld world countries using only the straw that is now being burned and turning Waste into Treasure. with obvious
